Since the launch of the Apple Vision Pro augmented reality headset, the number of applications developed specifically for it has grown rapidly and has already exceeded 1,000. This was announced by Apple Marketing Director Greg Joswiak on his Twitter account. This is a significant increase from the 600 apps that were available at the device’s launch, highlighting the growing developer momentum around the platform.
Of course, Vision Pro can take advantage of Apple’s extensive app ecosystem, compatible with more than 1.5 million iPad apps. This vast library empowers users and provides a familiar experience for existing Apple users transitioning to augmented reality.
However, the spatial applications created for the headset are those that have been designed to take advantage of its specific capabilities. This includes several streaming apps like Disney+, ESPN, Discovery+, Amazon Prime Video, Paramount+, Pluto TV, TikTok, and productivity apps from Microsoft, Slack, Notion, Zoom, WebEx, and more.
This growth indicates significant developer interest in the capabilities of Vision Pro. With a focus on spatial computing and immersive experiences, the platform offers innovative ways to engage users across industries including gaming, education and productivity.
Although the number of applications is impressive, comparisons are inevitable. We recently wrote that Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg tested a new headset from Apple and compared this $3,500 device to the $500 Quest 3, emphasizing the affordability of the latter. He noted with some bias that the Quest 3 is lighter, has a wider field of view, offers a YouTube experience, and supports Xbox games. But in reality, the two devices are aimed at different audiences, with the Vision Pro focusing on improved user experience and advanced technology. And YouTube has already added to its roadmap the development of a specialized program for Vision Pro.
Overall, the rapid growth of specialized applications and compatibility with existing iPad applications strengthens the Vision Pro ecosystem. Despite the competition, Apple’s platform is attracting the interest of developers and has the potential to create diverse user experiences.
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