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Invasion of Ukraine: Russian occupants surrender en masse

Every day more and more Russian aggressors surrender to the Ukrainian army. Near Zaporizhzhia, another batch of Russian invaders surrendered today. The invaders surrendered after their convoy was defeated.

Repentant invaders of Ukraine want to go home

Now the invaders say that they did not want to fight in the first place. A typical story we’ve heard lots of times already.

According to the official information of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, more than 5,000 Russian soldiers have died and approximately 400 have been taken prisoner.

Read also: Invasion of Ukraine: Russian occupiers burned down a museum with unique paintings

Under arrest, the invaders call their parents in Russia and tell them what is really happening. That Russia started a war against Ukraine, and not a special operation in the Donbas, as reported on the federal TV channels.

We remind you that the Ukrainian government has organized a website with a list of all those captured and dead soldiers, but the Russian Federation has already managed to block it. You can still access it here. Use VPN if it’s not available. There’s also a Telegram channel and Google form for those who fear for their loved ones.

Rick Mortin

I love to explore the unknown. Smart, handsome, humble. The author of is constantly shrouded in the darkness of mystery.

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  • Russian never surrender, dont lie.

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