Root NationNewsUkroboronprom and Milrem Robotics will produce robotic defense systems

Ukroboronprom and Milrem Robotics will produce robotic defense systems


Ukroboronprom and Milrem Robotics have signed an agreement on the start of the creation of multidisciplinary robotic defence systems for the new generation. The agreement was signed during the First Defence Industry Forum (DFNC1) and it sets out several areas of development and joint production.

The parties will start with strategic cooperation in determining Ukraine’s needs and options for using robotic systems that will strengthen the capabilities of the Ukrainian military both during and after the war. Further, the companies will use Ukraine’s combat experience in Milrem Robotics’ existing robotic and autonomous systems, as well as take it into account when developing new products.

Ukroboronprom and Milrem Robotics will produce robotic defense systems

“This war has clearly shown that unmanned and robotic systems play an important role on the battlefield, and this role will grow over time,” says Milrem Robotics. – The main goal is to protect the troops and secure the fighters, but at the same time ensure a stronger influence on the aggressor’s forces. It is a great honour for us to cooperate with Ukroboronprom in developing and producing robotic systems that will help Ukraine win this war.”

“The First International Forum of the Defence Industry proved that we are on the same course as our Western partners because Ukrainian manufacturers signed an agreement with Milrem Robotics and other global arms companies,” said Minister of Strategic Industries of Ukraine Oleksandr Kamyshyn. “Ukraine is currently gaining unique experience in the field of defence technologies, and we are ready to share this knowledge with our partners.” He added that the country aims to deepen cooperation with leading high-tech international companies.

Ukrainian defence developers and manufacturers will also integrate their defence technologies, such as weapon systems, EW and demining equipment, with Milrem robotic vehicles. In addition, the parties will consider the possibility of manufacturing in Ukraine combat vehicles THeMIS Combat (with anti-tank and anti-personnel capabilities), Combat Engineering (they are engaged in mine detection and demining), CASEVAC machines and other Milrem Robotics products, as well as engineering cooperation in the development of a wheeled combat robotic vehicle.

Ukroboronprom and Milrem Robotics will produce robotic defense systems

Milrem Robotics has delivered 15 THeMIS unmanned ground vehicles to Ukraine to support logistics, casualty evacuation and demining operations.

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