Root NationSoftApplicationsAnd don’t forget your hat! The new “virtual mother” for iOS will help you dress for the weather

And don’t forget your hat! The new “virtual mother” for iOS will help you dress for the weather


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Most of us know this scenario. It’s autumn or winter, and you want to go out. You put on any jacket and boots you see and try to leave home as soon as you can.

And then right at the door as if from nowhere your mother appears. We all know what she says next:

“It’s freezing outside! Put on your hat!”

“But mooom…”

“Don’t you ‘mom’ me! You’ll get sick!”

*silent scream of desperation*

We are now all grown up, and know that hat is only logical when it’s cold outside. By this point we rarely speak with parents, and no one gives advice on how to dress according to the weather.

It’s -5°C, you walk outside in a windbreaker, slim jeans and Air Max sneakers. The body gets covered with goose bumps, the hands begin to tremble, and the teeth are treacherously tapping against each other.

And here you catch yourself thinking:

“I wish my mother was here to tell me what to wear.”

But the mother is far away. She has other things to do. That means you have to think for yourself. Try and remember what to wear and when and check on the temperature outside.

– Or maybe to hell with this trouble and just get yourself a virtual mom?

It seems that this is what the developer of Weather Mam app for iOS had in mind.

What can it do

As the name suggests, this application shows the weather. But not the forecast for a few days, or even the actual temperature outside the window, but how the weather is felt – the so-called RealFeel index. In addition to temperature, it takes into account humidity, cloud coverage, the intensity of the sun and windiness, to explain how hot or cold it is outside.

For example, on a hot but dry day the body cools as sweat evaporates quickly, causing evaporative cooling. And when there is a lot of moisture in the air, the sweat does not evaporate so quickly, which is why the body is much hotter.

Weather Mom

“Weather Mom” ​​always shows a suitable set of clothes for the day. For a temperature of +15° C, virtual mom suggests wearing a shirt, jeans, windbreaker, and sneakers. If there is no windbreaker, you can replace it with a jacket.

For men and women sets will be different. Ladies can choose between skirts, blouses, dresses, and tunics.

Weather Mom

How does Weather Mama differ from other applications?

“Weather Mom” is not suitable for those who want to know the exact weather forecast for several days in advance, who cares about the wind speed, humidity and other indicators. It was not created for this.

First of all, it is an assistant for those who do not want to think too much early in the morning. Having installed the application, you will no longer need to go to the window, look at the thermometer, think what degrees actually mean, and figure out which clothes will be optimal. It will be enough to launch the application and search in the closet for items corresponding to the set offered. And if is about to rain, the “mother” will remind you to bring an umbrella with you.


Weather Mom is a new app: it was released just this year. It has a minimalistic UI with hints of childish naiveté. The app works on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch (iOS 10 and up).

“Mom” can get better: right now there’s only the free version with ads that can’t be removed. I’d also like to get different sets of recommended clothes. The app is still “young”, only version 1.0.2.

Interested? This link will help you stay warm.

Denis Koshelev
Denis Koshelev
Tech reviewer, game journalist, Web 1.0 enthusiast. For more than ten years, I've been writing about tech.
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