Root NationArticlesTechnologyAPR-3000 ONE Vaporizer: How Ukrainian Inventors Solved the Main Problem of Air Conditioners

APR-3000 ONE Vaporizer: How Ukrainian Inventors Solved the Main Problem of Air Conditioners


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Today, air conditioners are practically in every home, office, and workplace. This technology allows for the creation of a comfortable microclimate for both work and relaxation. During the operation of an air conditioner, condensate is produced, and there are several ways to manage its removal:

  1. Into the building’s or apartment’s sewage system. In this case, the drainage hose needs to be installed during the renovation stage. Additionally, a siphon with a dry seal must be installed to prevent sewage odors from entering the house or apartment. If it’s not possible to create the necessary slope towards the sewage system, drainage pumps have to be installed.
  2. Into an external drainage system or storm drain. The developer should plan for the installation of special pipes along the exterior of the building’s facade.
  3. Outdoors. This is the most common and cheapest option, found almost everywhere.

Problem and solution

Problems related to condensate removal arise primarily in the third case. At first, it may seem like there’s nothing unusual about this, as it’s a common method for moisture removal. However, let’s look at it from another perspective: condensate drips on pedestrians’ heads, creates annoying noise, and, when it lands on the facade and pavement, these tiny droplets become a truly destructive force. Additionally, you end up with high electricity bills, as using the climate control system without power becomes impossible.

As you can see, condensate removal from air conditioning systems often causes significant inconveniences. However, thanks to the innovative development by Ukrainian engineers, this drawback can be turned into an advantage.

Сlimate Of The Future

The innovative APR-3000 ONE condensate evaporator, developed by the design bureau Climate of the Future, can solve all these problems. This patented device presents serious competition to well-known manufacturers of moisture evaporators for air conditioners.

APR-3000 ONE

The main characteristics of the vaporizer APR-3000 ONE

The team at Climate of the Future, with over 20 years of experience in the HVAC industry, is dedicated to researching new technologies and improving existing ones in the field of refrigeration systems.

The company has successfully developed the APR-3000 ONE condensate evaporator, which not only eliminates free condensate drainage but also saves electricity consumption. This is achieved by converting condensate into vapor, which is then immediately supplied to the air conditioner’s radiator, cooling it down. This creates a closed cycle of the air conditioner’s operation, reducing the temperature difference between the desired temperature of the cooled air in the room and the radiator temperature. As a result, the air conditioner consumes less electricity and preserves its lifespan. This is truly an innovative solution worth your attention.

APR-3000 ONE

The experts at the company meticulously analyzed the market of evaporators from various global manufacturers (noting that they are mostly oriented towards industrial clients B2B, B2G), taking into account their experience, studying the advantages and disadvantages of the equipment they offer. As a result, they managed to create the APR-3000 ONE evaporator, which is the best alternative to existing devices due to its lower energy consumption, intelligent automatic operation, convenient design, and ergonomics.

APR-3000 ONE Evaporator

The table below compares the APR-3000 vaporizer with its direct competitors.

APR-3000 ONE

Advantages of the vaporizer APR-3000 ONE

  • Efficient condensate evaporation (2.5-5 liters per hour)
  • 15% reduction in air conditioner energy consumption
  • Operation with the air conditioner’s power
  • Improvement of air conditioner functionality
  • Quick and easy installation
  • Compatibility with industrial and domestic air conditioners, refrigeration units
  • High safety due to the use of ultrasound
  • Environmental friendliness
  • Ensuring trouble-free operation of the climate system at critical temperatures
  • Increased lifespan of the air conditioner
  • Self-cleaning
  • Affordable price

APR-3000 ONE

The team at Climate of the Future not only made a significant leap forward in the development of high-tech climate equipment but also conducted numerous product tests in real environments. The data obtained confirms the full compliance of the APR-3000 ONE condensate evaporator with all stated specifications.

Who are the customers?

Private and commercial users can order and install the APR-3000 ONE condensate evaporator. The device is compact, lightweight, and can be quickly installed on the outer casing of the air conditioner unit using a bracket.

Moreover, it’s crucial to note that each customer receives a 2-year official warranty for the device, provided they adhere to the technical operation requirements and regular maintenance schedule.

APR-3000 ONE

Climate of the Future company creates and implements HVAC solutions that not only help address condensate drainage issues but also preserve the environment and help save your budget. So, if you’ve been considering purchasing a quality and reliable condensate evaporator, we have a great solution for you!

Where to buy

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