Root NationArticlesWeaponsWeapons of Ukrainian Victory: L3Harris VAMPIRE Multi-purpose System - "Drone Killer"

Weapons of Ukrainian Victory: L3Harris VAMPIRE Multi-purpose System – “Drone Killer”


The United States is planning to supply Ukraine with advanced VAMPIRE systems developed by L3Harris. Let’s get acquainted with these “drone killers.” In short, these systems provide our defenders with the capability to protect the sky from highly dangerous kamikaze drones. Specifically, the focus is on countering Iranian Shahed 131/136 drones, which pose a significant threat to our cities and villages. So, let’s delve into the details of the multi-role VAMPIRE system from L3Harris.

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What is interesting about the VAMPIRE system

Actually, VAMPIRE stands for Vehicle-Agnostic Modular Palletized ISR Rocket Equipment. In other words, it’s modular rocket equipment that can be mounted on standard transport pallets, making it independent of the type of vehicle.

The VAMPIRE weapon system is a fast and cost-effective solution for protection against ground and unmanned aerial threats. Developed by L3Harris, a company specializing in aerospace and defense technologies based in the United States, this portable multi-role weapon system provides a versatile defense capability.

L3Harris’ latest offering is designed to be mounted on any tactical or non-tactical vehicle with a flat surface. This palletized modular system provides ground forces with a fast, cost-effective, and efficient solution for deploying weaponry to counter unmanned aerial threats.

Equipped with an advanced precision-guided munition system like APKWS or other laser-guided ordnance, it ensures precise targeting capabilities against enemy drones and ground threats.


It is already known that, as part of the latest U.S. military-technical assistance package, the United States intends to provide our defenders with VAMPIRE anti-aircraft missile systems from L3Harris, along with ammunition for them. This technology is expected to strengthen the short-range air defense and enhance the capabilities of the Ukrainian army in countering unmanned aerial vehicles.

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Development and testing of the VAMPIRE system

The company L3Harris developed the early prototype of the VAMPIRE combat system in 2021 and commenced field trials in the same year at its testing grounds.

Certainly, following the initial trials, further development continued. Primarily, the company extended thorough testing of the system’s range and durability. In April 2022, the refined prototype was specifically handed over to the U.S. Department of Defense.

VAMPIRE made its debut and successfully showcased its capabilities at the Special Operations Forces Industry Conference (SOFIC), held in Tampa, Florida, in May 2022. The functional capabilities of this system pleasantly impressed the attending military experts and representatives of the Pentagon.


In August 2022, this versatile weapon system was included in the $3 billion aid package from the U.S. government under the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI). Following that, the company began investing more in procurement, testing, and certification to expedite the production of the VAMPIRE combat system. In other words, it is the latest development of the United States Military-Industrial Complex (VPK) that is already in service with the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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Simplified multi-purpose complex

The L3Harris VAMPIRE multi-purpose missile system is considered a specialized tool for countering UAVs, but, in fact, it is a multi-role system with a broad range of tasks. Using standard missiles, it is capable of engaging various ground and aerial targets, including mobile ones. Moreover, the system stands out for its exceptional simplicity in production, assembly, and operation.

The key features of the system are reflected in its full name. Indeed, straight from the factory, the VAMPIRE product is delivered on a standard transport pallet. All the equipment intended for installation on the carrier is placed on such a platform. Depending on the requirements, the customer can choose a specific configuration of the system.


Any suitable ground platforms, starting from pickup trucks, can serve as a base for the missile system. A reconnaissance-fire module is installed on the cargo platform, and the control panel and other instruments are mounted in the cabin. Additionally, the system is connected to the carrier’s electrical system.

The development company asserts that the installation of the VAMPIRE system on a platform takes only two hours and can be performed by two mechanics. Moreover, they can use a standard set of tools available in any garage, without the need for special equipment.

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Design and features of the VAMPIRE system

The VAMPIRE system is designed as a fully autonomous system capable of integrating various sensors and weapon packages depending on the requirements of the combat mission.

VAMPIRE can be equipped with combat-proven APKWS rockets or other laser-guided munitions. This enables special units and special operations forces to quickly track, laser designate, and engage ground and aerial targets beyond the range of conventional weapons they typically use. In combination with the contactless detonator from L3Harris, the weapon system can provide increased hit effectiveness and lethality.


The system has been integrated with the fully digital WESCAM MX-10 RSTA targeting system from L3Harris, providing high-definition (HD), multisensor, and multispectral targeting capability to support reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition (RSTA) missions. The HD resolution and 360° field of view of the targeting system can significantly enhance situational awareness for the execution of covert missions at long distances.

The VAMPIRE system can be installed on any military or civilian vehicle with a cargo bed in just two hours. It can be operated by a single person, and its modular and portable design allows the operator to quickly take cover, move, and fire.


The weapon system is supplied with its own power supply and does not require a 24 V alternator on the vehicles on which it is installed.

Let’s talk about everything in more detail.

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Main Components of VAMPIRE

The reconnaissance-fire module of the VAMPIRE system consists of a lightweight frame made of metal profile with targeting equipment. Mounted on it are a telescopic sight with an optoelectronic station and a rocket launcher. Control of both devices is carried out remotely.


In the basic configuration, the system includes the WESCAM MX-10 optoelectronic station. This “dome” encompasses all necessary channels and allows for the detection of ground or aerial targets across all operational ranges of the system. Additionally, there is a laser rangefinder-target designator for guiding the missile to the target.

The launcher has a swiveling base and a set of movable guides. The launch tubes have a diameter of 70 mm and are designed for guided AGR-20 APKWS rockets. Launches can be executed in virtually any direction with the necessary elevation angle.

The APKWS rocket is a modernized version of the widely used unguided Hydra 70 projectile. The original rocket retains its standard warhead and engine but is equipped with a control unit featuring a semi-active laser seeker and control surfaces. Following this modification, the projectile is capable of homing in on a target illuminated by a laser designator. The circular probable deviation for such guidance is claimed to be at the level of 0.5 meters.

L3Harris does not specify the firing range of the AGR-20 rocket from a ground platform. When used from an aircraft, the additional acceleration can extend the firing range to over 10 km. For helicopters, this parameter is half as much. Obviously, the firing range of VAMPIRE in other modes is even lower.


The fire control system is based on a ruggedized tablet computer. It is connected to a navigation device, a simplified control panel, monitoring devices, an optoelectronic station, and a control panel. Using the control panel, the operator can survey the surroundings, search for targets, and then execute the firing. The technical features of the fire control system and the overall complex enable operation in both “ground-to-air” and “ground-to-ground” modes.

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Practical value of the complex

It’s easy to notice that the L3Harris VAMPIRE multi-purpose missile system primarily represents a technical innovation. Its creators have successfully developed and implemented an intriguing concept of a weapon system that is remarkably simple in every aspect. Simultaneously, the resulting prototype holds significant practical value and is of great interest to serious buyers.

Among the advantages of the VAMPIRE combat system, one should highlight its simple design, cost-effectiveness, and ease of operation. Such systems can be manufactured in required quantities with minimal expenses, and then easily deployed onto corresponding platforms. The preparation for operation and subsequent use do not pose significant challenges. Additionally, the complex utilizes a refined version of one of the most common rockets, theoretically allowing for the quick and cost-effective creation of a large fleet of self-propelled missile systems.


This combat system does have some relatively minor drawbacks resulting from the emphasis on simplification. For instance, the use of an unprotected vehicle significantly reduces resistance to enemy fire. The optoelectronic station, as the sole observation tool, somewhat limits target detection capabilities. The selected rocket, when used from the ground, has a minimal range, sharply limiting the combat capabilities of the system. Additionally, the ready-to-use ammunition set is restricted to only four rockets.

VAMPIRE is presented as a tool for dealing with various targets on the ground and in the air. However, doubts arise about the effectiveness of such application due to the selected munition. The existing warhead of the Hydra 70 rocket is already insufficient for combating modern tanks or fortified structures. Although the primary purpose of using VAMPIRE is still the counteraction of drones, and in this regard, it excels. The presence of a laser guidance system ensures the capability to engage fast and maneuverable objects effectively.

Багатоцільові системи озброєння, замовлені ​​для України, будуть розгорнуті для захисту цивільної інфраструктури країни від атак безпілотників і наземних загроз супротивника. Ракети APKWS можуть уражати й інші повітряні цілі, що перетворює VAMPIRE на ЗРК ближнього радіуса дії.

Just to recap, the inexpensive and highly accurate APKWS (Advanced Precision Kill Weapons System, based on the Hydra 70) rocket with L3Harris’ contactless detonator ensures effective targeting of small non-armored targets. APKWS is a laser-guided weapon system developed by BAE Systems, capable of launching a 70-mm Hydra rocket with laser guidance. APKWS can destroy aerial targets such as helicopters at a maximum range of 5 km or fixed-wing aircraft at a maximum range of 11 km. L3Harris VAMPIRE can monitor and detect aerial threats from distances ranging between 400 to 1600 meters. In other words, the adversary won’t have much room to maneuver.

In the current conditions of intense battles against occupiers, every precision projectile, every combat vehicle, every air defense system, every guided missile, and every drone are critically important for us. Therefore, we sincerely want to thank our Western friends and partners for their assistance and support. There is nowhere for the aggressors to escape retribution. Glory to Ukraine! Death to enemies! Glory to the Armed Forces of Ukraine!

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Yuri Svitlyk
Yuri Svitlyk
Son of the Carpathian Mountains, unrecognized genius of mathematics, Microsoft "lawyer", practical altruist, levopravosek
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