Root NationGamesGames reviewsYou Suck At Parking review: It’s all in the title

You Suck At Parking review: It’s all in the title


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I love indie developers that dare to be fun. Not many of them are like that — some are as greedy or pragmatic as your major publishers. But the others can take one silly idea and make a whole game out of it. Happy Volcano knew it was a fun concept, and they did their best to create something worth your while. And I think that they’ve succeeded.

You Suck At Parking is precisely what it sounds like: it’s a game about parking where you can’t do anything right. Parking is not even a thing in most of the driving games. Here, though, it’s the main objective. Oh, and you don’t have any breaks.

You Suck At Parking review

You Suck At Parking is separated into self-contained levels, each with a few parking spaces you have to occupy — preferably from the first try. Your sedan will swerve, fly in the air and fall into the abyss — it’s inevitable. But you’ll learn and gradually will become better. The goal? To not suck at parking.

And that’s it, really. It’s a simple game with a simple premise — nothing wrong with it. The main thing is the execution. Does the title have charm? It does, loads of it. There’s also a fair amount of challenge: making it to the finish line parking spot is never easy, and you’ll have to try again and again. Thankfully, restarting the level takes less than a second.

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You Suck At Parking review

The levels are very creative and don’t repeat themselves. The game does not feel like a proof of concept but a fully realized product. It looks and controls great and has over one hundred levels already. There’s even a frenetic multiplayer mode for up to eight players!

Is there anything I don’t like? You bet. First of all, it’s a modern game, to a fault. You can buy a Parking Pass that contains more goodies, and tons of cosmetics can be purchased with your hard-earned money. The game strives to become Rocket League, but the focus on being a live service game only harms the overall impression. But then again, you have to survive in the world of Game Pass somehow. 

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You Suck At Parking review

You Suck At Parking does not suck. It’s a fun little game that stands out and does mostly everything right. Not a Rolls-Royce, but a pleasant enough ride.

Review ratings
Presentation (design, style, speed and usability of the UI)
Sound (original cast, music, sound engineering)
Graphics (in the context of the platform)
Gameplay and Controls
Price tag
You Suck At Parking does not suck. It’s a fun little game that stands out and does mostly everything right. Not a Rolls-Royce, but a pleasant enough ride.
Denis Koshelev
Denis Koshelev
Tech reviewer, game journalist, Web 1.0 enthusiast. For more than ten years, I've been writing about tech.
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You Suck At Parking does not suck. It’s a fun little game that stands out and does mostly everything right. Not a Rolls-Royce, but a pleasant enough ride.You Suck At Parking review: It’s all in the title