Every day, 2 million new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed worldwide, according to Globocan. Every day, 700,000 women lose their battle with this type of cancer. SDS Optic aims to help those most vulnerable in the fight against HER2, one of the most aggressive forms of breast cancer. SDS Optic is a Polish company founded by a pair of scientists with experience working at NASA and Harvard. The first phase of clinical trials for their device began last August, and they now plan to launch it in the US market.
This type of cancer is detected in a fifth of cases, and early detection increases the chances of successful treatment. The most common method used today is a biopsy, which is the removal of a piece of tissue for further examination under a microscope. Unfortunately, waiting for a test result can take weeks, and time is of the essence here.
The company’s device consists of a laser connected to a fiber optic cable and allows measuring the concentration of a certain compound in the patient’s body. At the same time, the doctor does not need to conduct a biopsy and he receives the result immediately. The effect increases the chances of recovery by almost a third. In August of last year, the startup began the phase of clinical trials. In the early days of 2023, the company announced a collaboration with American partner Clairfield International to help establish partnerships with major players in the medical technology market and thus facilitate the commercialization of the solution.
Their recent partnership agreement with Yamada Consulting Group, a leading consulting firm in Japan and throughout Southeast Asia, only increases the opportunity to partner in potentially many markets, of which the world’s top endoscopic technology companies are based in Asia.
SDS Optic wants to develop a laboratory in the USA (it has already established a company there), but the research center remains in Poland.
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