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The OPPO and Telefónica group’s new partnership will ensure the smartphone manufacturer’s return to the European market. This partnership will last for 3-years, and it will help the smartphone company regain its ground in the European market. Information on this matter comes from popular X user Max Jambor and despite its brevity gives the necessary details that netizens need.
To understand why this partnership is important for OPPO’s return to the European market, we need to understand why OPPO is out of the European market. OPPO’s exit from Europe was a result of Nokia’s lawsuit over the use of 5G patents. In the lawsuit, Nokia was fighting to get full payment for the use of their patent on OPPO products, and this led to the Chinese firm being ousted from the European market.
But both Nokia and OPPO have reached an agreement on the use of 5G patents on the latter’s devices. With this agreement, OPPO can now return to the European market and continue selling its devices. But OPPO is not entering Europe alone, as it’s coming in with a friend to help it gain its ground again.
This friend is none other than the Telefónica group, which is a cellular carrier well-known around Europe. While this OPPO and Telefónica group’s partnership is not 100% clear, we can expect the cellular carrier to help retail OPPO devices. This might involve great data deals for buyers to draw more attention to the brand over time.
Well, OPPO might not struggle to gain its ground for so long, considering that it had a large presence in Europe before leaving. Now that the Chinese firm is back, previous customers might wish to try out the newer devices, hence switching back to OPPO. It’s great to see that OPPO is returning to Europe, as they have so much in store.