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5 Things Every Website Owner Should Know About Web Hosting


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Whether you are a newbie or seasoned marketer, while building a website, you may have come across the term web hosting. While most people don’t understand the importance of having an excellent web hosting provider. It is one of the most crucial components that set the foundation for your website and your brand. There are several basic hosting features that are offered by hosting providers that cater to all businesses. But remember, not all hosting providers are created at the same level. You can clearly see the difference by doing a comparison between two providers, for instance, you look at reviews for Godaddy and Bluehost. Make sure that you take the points discussed in this article into consideration while choosing a hosting service.

Web Hosting

Now while choosing a hosting service, you first need to understand the needs of your business website. Be it a blog or an e-commerce website, identifying your business’s needs will help you narrow down your hosting service options. With several plans and packages offered by multiple hosting providers, choosing a service that works best can be daunting. The quality of your web hosting can have a direct impact on the success of your website. If you located in Canada and in search of a web hosting service, MangoMatter reviews the best Canadian ones at the right price that can work wonders for your business.

Web Hosting

Web hosting is a process of storing website content synch as images, HTML, and CSS on physical service that is provided by your hosting service. These servers make your business website available and accessible on the internet so that your online users can view your website on their web browser. Even though these servers are out of our sight, they play a crucial role in drawing traffic to your site.

A reliable service will enhance the performance of your website and boost your business ROI.  However, an unreliable hosting service can have far-reaching consequences and potential issues that can hurt everything that you developed towards building a website. So it is absolutely necessary to find the right hosting provider that works best for you.

5 Web Hosting Things Every Website Owner Should Know

1. Pricing

There many hosting services that offer similar services at different prices. Make sure that you research well while choosing a hosting service. If you are building a website for your business or a personal blog, you can search for one according to your budget and need. While the cheapest available always seems like the best options but a good web host provider offers flexibility that can help you in the longer run. Ensure that the monthly or yearly payment plans work best on your budget. If you want to have a simple webpage and are not expecting too much traffic, a simple hosting service will suffice.

2. Technical Support

Having technical support is another important feature that can help your website during downtime or if any problem arises. Most services offer support through calls, live chat, and even through emails. Make sure that they are available 24/7 because if your website goes offline during peak hours and your hosting service is unreachable, you will clients and revenue. So asking your hosting service if their calls are toll-free and check availability is a wise thing to do. You can online read online reviews of previous clients sharing their experience with the hosting provider. This will give you clarity on the type of service you would receive if you choose this hosting. Another point reason you should enquire about their support if the person on the other of the call is equipped with the knowledge to help.

Web Hosting Technical Support

3. Control Panel

A control is panel is usually provided by a hosting service that allows you to manage different components of your website. It also opens up an opportunity to make small changes wherever necessary that can be beneficial for your website. A cPanel provides a simple dashboard that allows you to make basic server configurations and manage passwords and email addresses. If the control panel is difficult to understand, you need to call the support of your hosting provider for every small change that needs to be done. It can be time-consuming, whereas you can focus on other important factors of running a successful business website.

4. Multiple Options

It is best to look out for hosting providers that offer a variety of features that work best for your niche. Having an option for add-ons is a great benefit. Because as you grow in your specific niche, your business will demand more and it will easier to switch to a higher version of hosting plan. Here are some of the options you’ll want to see:

  • Automatic backups: Make sure your hosting service does regular backups so that if any breach occurs you can quickly restore them.
  • SSL: HTTPS is a ranking factor for search engines and most hosting services include them in the plans. So make sure your host supports SSL.
  • Upgrade Hosting plan: As your business grows, your traffic numbers will grow. Switching to different plans such as dedicated will be much easier so that your site continues to function at full capacity.
  • FTP access: This feature gives you access to upload files to the server directly from your computer through the internet.

5. Email

Email marketing still plays a huge role in building a strong online presence. While choosing your web hosting provider, see if your host allows you to set up email addresses on your domain. As you grow, the credibility of your website grows as well and your domain name is your online identity. So if a client comes across your email that has another domain name attached will look unprofessional. There are other ways as well to get an email account with your own domain but if it provided with your hosting service it can be an added plus point in deciding a hosting. Many providers offer unlimited email forwarding, auto-response service, spam control feature, and so on. It is always a wise decision to ask the provider beforehand.

Web Hosting Email


Choosing a web hosting provider may seem a bit confusing but with the right questions, you can find the best hosting services out there. By using these aforementioned points you will be able to make an accurate decision on a hosting service that perfectly fits your niche.

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